You may in difficult situation at the time you need to leave your office and your application very important and can not be given to any employee easily. But you must delegate some very important applications to your employee in order to keep your business operation and not willing to close your office.
If you are telling your password, means that all applications can be opened. And more dangerous is your applications record all activities inside at the time you leaving is performed by your self, terrific isn't it!. Your trusted one telling your password to another or his/her password note accidentally disclose to another. Your application is used by unknown people and can jeopardizing you.
You may have your solution, using written statement if you giving your password with clear definition of rights and responsibilities. But are all problems solved completely? How difficult of doing?
LightArmy provides 'Access As' features to simplify your some applications delegation efforts without telling your password to another and your application access records as is. You don't need to open all your applications to another.
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