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Bandung, Indonesia
IT Professional, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Friday, August 21, 2009

Monitor and Take Over Job of Your Staffs without Their Passwords

Your staff is not working and You are as manager want to take over of his/her job temporarily.

The case is not your problem, in your application, you are as super-user that automatically monitor job of your staffs. And you no need to know their passwords.

What is different with LightArmy using 'Access As' feature? This feature giving more specific and detail settings for each staff not only for all staffs. You also see the same appearance as in your staff display.

Delegate Your Application without Telling Your Password

You may in difficult situation at the time you need to leave your office and your application very important and can not be given to any employee easily. But you must delegate some very important applications to your employee in order to keep your business operation and not willing to close your office.

If you are telling your password, means that all applications can be opened. And more dangerous is your applications record all activities inside at the time you leaving is performed by your self, terrific isn't it!. Your trusted one telling your password to another or his/her password note accidentally disclose to another. Your application is used by unknown people and can jeopardizing you.

You may have your solution, using written statement if you giving your password with clear definition of rights and responsibilities. But are all problems solved completely? How difficult of doing?

LightArmy provides 'Access As' features to simplify your some applications delegation efforts without telling your password to another and your application access records as is. You don't need to open all your applications to another.

Integrate Your Java Appliation and PHP using LightArmy

Your company has Java applications. You may face a difficult situation to maintain that applications and recognize that PHP is solution to your problems. But you still using that Java applications.

LightArmy can integrate your Java applications and PHP easily. LightArmy supports Queue system using ActiveMQ server by that your Java applications can communicate with PHP. Java and PHP integration can be done easily.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Integrate Your Offices without Dedicated Connection

LightArmy provides foundation to integrate your application from many offices separated geographically. These applications from many offices can be integrated only using internet connection and no need to lease your own network (dedicated connection) expensively.

You can create real-time integration and you need uninterrupted connection or on-demand integration (synchronization). You can develop your offline application that can be used without network connection and if connection exists will automatically trigger synchronization (integration) or manually.

You can even facilitate your field employee(s) using offline application (and mobile) that can help them maximize doing job. After come back to the office, can be synchronized and no other entry.


Cutting Your Total Cost of Ownership using Web Application without Internet Publication

Web-based application provides more benefits than window-based application as explains in "Broader application access range and cutting operational cost at once".

Many peoples think or make assumption that web application (web-based application) must be published to the internet. You may one of that peoples

Exactly, we can take the biggest benefit from this kind of web-based application, that is its unlimited access range, from every where.

To utilize this kind of application, you do not need the newest computer. Your only need is your preferred web browser and more of that is free. No other preparation for computer to access that application.

You even do not need to buy your operating system. You can use any available free operating system.

How about window-based application, you need to pay all of that. Including fee for your technician doing installation on every computers for application access. How if there are updates or fixing ? You must again spending your works (time and money and operational interruption) to make that updates or fixing available.


Sustaining or More Competitive utilizing LightArmy

If you have the same business process with your competitors, you are not competitive. If you want competitive, you need to orchestrate your business process uniquely as your specific goals.

If you are utilizing the same application as your most competitors use, you are no more competitive and your opportunities for success will be less. Being competitive is not must utilizing any costly because if you do that your business operation even in not competitive position.

Having application (system) that can support you maintain your competitive business from time to time is one may you need. Application or platform than can be adapted easily or created easily and fast to support your unique created business process. Utilizing LightArmy, you can do more with less, for your competitiveness.


Do More With Less utilizing LightArmy

LightArmy features are provided simplicity for application delivering to keep your business competitiveness. Using this simplicity, your application needs will be delivered faster and even consistent or predictable.

This acceleration will causing more application can be delivered to support your business (changes).

If you are never develop your web application from scratch, lets you ask your programmers the time needed to fulfill your application. LightArmy can help you create CRUD database application only in minutes and not tens or more. Campare if you create that from scratch that can cost you days or even weeks.


How do you cutting your training budget utilizing LightArmy?

How much cost did you spend to ascertain your application user do job correctly with that application, thereafter will not jeopardize your business process(es)? You may send your employee(s) for that training at training center and then make them as your internal trainer. There are other problems that your business process is complex (not simple enough) and impossible to be handled by some peoples only, because every specific application is different.

How if your user is resign or not available for you anymore? How if your trainer is resign or not available for you anymore? Will you do send for training again? Will you ask to the old one giving short course for the new one?

How much that cost you again? Do your business process fine or uninterrupted? Your customer can leave you only by simple mistake of your new employee.

LightArmy provides incredible help system. LightArmy provides help center and help context-sensitive. Utilizing this feature information of application usage and other process(es) business that need to be explained, can be accessed easily and fast by user for learning or provides specific guidance for application in use.

Moreover you can create your own guidance for your specific need(s) and still can be access using help center or help context-sensitive.

To provide your guidance(manual) mentions above, you need not any codes using PHP. Your only works is create your help content, as only html file. You also need no codes to link your application with context-sensitive. You also can create cross reference among help and trigger your application from your help. Even you can create multiple-languages help, you can create your training material in many languages.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Behave like the big company although not utilizing LightArmy

LightArmy delivers features using by the big companies to supports their business processes. Features to deliver simplification and helper for maximum performance anf efficiency achievements.

LightArmy is created for you wanting to utilize that features without the need to invest expensively as doing by that big companies. LightArmy is affordable because the value of LightArmy is depend on your need and how much the quantities. If your need is not much, your investment value is as that need.

More importantly, LightArmy provides protection for every investment you made above.


Why LightArmy using PHP and not another?

PHP is relatively more easy of learning. PHP is relatively more easy for application development by common people (programmer), and thereafter PHP programmer more available.

LightArmy itself making easy of the difficult in application delivering, and provides multiple benefits from this.

The exact first benefit from this situation is speeding the delivery of your need of application. In future, changes will be more faster, our speed to face this situation can be so completely define the existence of our business. Because to keep competitive , we must have ability to make adaptation as fast as possible.

Many more other benefits you can reap from LightArmy mention above.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Securing application from A to Z without code

Develop secured application is not easy, moreover there are other constraints with opposite deliverable, the performance of application as for example. Data managed inside application may high risk data if not handled properly. How did you not consider that seriously before you choose to use or develop application for that data or you will face a big big problem?

LightArmy provides complete security platform from A to Z. Some security measures can be turn on and off as your need. All of that ready for your use without your programmer doing code.

If you are not enough with that mention above, LightArmy provides some library for your custom security development for your business.

If necessary, you can encrypt all of your data thereafter all stored data can not be understood by anyone except by your program using your created rules.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Automate your service for quality improvement and efficiency

Customer is the most valuable for your business. Without customer there is no business. Unsatisfied customers can cause them go and no more have willing to use our business. Dissatisfaction can be triggered or caused by many things even may be only a simple things, nice smile of your security person or unsatisfied response to product or service information request. Responsiveness on delivering service and information can cause customers or leads go away from us.

We can use automation to deliver information at the right time to customer that required consistently providing satisfaction.

LightArmy provides your foundation for delivering automation solution (application) that working 1x24 hours a day without stop. Email and SMS service has been provided and just use them. Many monitoring processes are ready to use for utilization.

If you want to develop your own automation solution (application), LightArmy provides simplified framework thereafter your focus is in only your automation problems and the other is provided by LightArmy.

This automation process can be managed easily. You can create as many as needed and can be managed using web application from everywhere securely.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Broader application access range and cutting operational cost at once

Web-based application has more access range than window-based that may be secure. But not all web-based applications are secure if published on internet (where everyone can see your application). For your internal need, without internet publishing, security consideration is not big enough, but still can not be skipped.

LightArmy is web-based application platform designed to provide high security level application with simplification. You can broader application access range and worry nothing about security problem although for internet publication.

Web-based application maintenance is so easy than window-based application. Imagine the window-based application and being access by multiple-users (more than one users). You must have reliable network connection, can not broken, because application will not correctly running or can not be used by user. You need to provide expensive network connection to utilize this application. If you use stand-alone application, You need to provide remote-desktop as example to make an access and the need of reliable network connection. If there are changes or updates for your application causing by your business requirements, you need to do big works to make such changes or updates on server and all of its clients. Your works include time and money. Now, how with web-based application. You do not need reliable network connection. Every change or update is only change or update for one place and certainly your works will be more simple. Fast change can be delivered to client and at the same time. Minimize business activities interruption.

Direct impact of web-based application usage mentions above is the freedom and easy of use application delivered to your employees thereafter result in performance increase of each employee and then will accelerate the performance of company. Giving more time space for your employee to do work better or even much more.

Another impact is cutting your application (IT) operational cost and minimize your business process interruption that can stimulate panic and stress for not only employee but also customer and another stakeholder. You do not need to maintain your application on every computer and the only server you will perform, reducing your employees need.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Controllable Long-running Process in the Background (without browser)

Did you ever doing large number of data calculation? Number of thousands or even millions or more? Salary calculation as for example. How do you control it (run, pause, resume or stop at the time) from remote?

You may have no choice other than coming to the computer in which the process is being done. You may also using remote-desktop with your risk. Or there is also an expensive VPN.

LightArmy provides simplification by with not only how to control but also how to create such process. Again, your only focus in on your own problem to solve and no more. Process will be running automatically in the background and completely not depend on the browser you use to run that process.

More, from your created process, you can create as many as process' instance you need. Just create your configuration (=its manifest) and execute it.

All process can be managed using web page.

If necessary, you can schedule that process, while still can be managed.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Moving application between sites

You may has been moved application between sites. Your works to do may not be easy or even impossible except you must recode your application.

LightArmy provides easy work for you.

You just move your application files and don't forget related library files needed and application will run on new site without change.

Applicationn duplication any time without code change

You may has been faced a difficult situation of delivering same application with simple change on presentation (look and feel) or some fields are hidden. Your solution may be duplicate your file and then create some changes in there and thereafter must also change your application navigation or routing fundamentally and not easy.

How LightArmy solve this?

There is no change inside platform, because your created application exactly independent. Also you not need to change application that need only different presentation.

Your only works is create new configuration file as xml file and configure as you want. You may need to create presentation(look and feel) file of your need.

* Application development concept has similarity with application development inside operating system (Windows, unix*, mac). Same as you create your application and run it on Windows or Unix* or Mac.

How difficult of building web-based appliation?

Web-based application needs broad knowledge from many languages (programming). If you choose using PHP as your scripting for example, You still need to understand html syntax, javascript and others to deliver requested application.

More difficulty will be faced again with the intermittent that languages inside a program, causing stress to the programmer(s). More stress will happen if some errors occur, causing by the difficulty of locating the cause of problem. Any changes also being not easy to do although for simple change(s), can take big works.

Direct impact of this difficulty is the quality of delivered application, be more difficult to ascertain. Second impact is from time view. It is common that web-based application development need relatively far more time of works.

LightArmy coming to solve this problem.

First, LightArmy provides foundation for simplification of application development with focusing on the main problem using application. Application development will not think again of how to conduct login, how to maintain access right, how to place file securely, how to handle hacker, how to support multi-languages, and so on that common for every application.

Second, LightArmy provides framework for application development by separating code from presentation (look and feel) and it's application(instance). Scripting(code) will be not intermittent anymore with it's html or javascript. There is no tight dependency between code and presentation. Any changes can be made so easy although the big change. Maximizing each delivery by works of the competence(s).

First direct benefit from this simplification is the quality of delivered application, being more easy to ascertain. Second impact is accelerated application development time. Acceleration being more significant using 'code generation', delivering CRUD database application on minute(s). Imagine if you creates full-features such of application from start that require days even weeks, but now you can deliver it only on minute(s). Using 'code generation', yourself, without need to know php syntax, html, and javascript can create qualified application super faster.

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