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Bandung, Indonesia
IT Professional, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Broader application access range and cutting operational cost at once

Web-based application has more access range than window-based that may be secure. But not all web-based applications are secure if published on internet (where everyone can see your application). For your internal need, without internet publishing, security consideration is not big enough, but still can not be skipped.

LightArmy is web-based application platform designed to provide high security level application with simplification. You can broader application access range and worry nothing about security problem although for internet publication.

Web-based application maintenance is so easy than window-based application. Imagine the window-based application and being access by multiple-users (more than one users). You must have reliable network connection, can not broken, because application will not correctly running or can not be used by user. You need to provide expensive network connection to utilize this application. If you use stand-alone application, You need to provide remote-desktop as example to make an access and the need of reliable network connection. If there are changes or updates for your application causing by your business requirements, you need to do big works to make such changes or updates on server and all of its clients. Your works include time and money. Now, how with web-based application. You do not need reliable network connection. Every change or update is only change or update for one place and certainly your works will be more simple. Fast change can be delivered to client and at the same time. Minimize business activities interruption.

Direct impact of web-based application usage mentions above is the freedom and easy of use application delivered to your employees thereafter result in performance increase of each employee and then will accelerate the performance of company. Giving more time space for your employee to do work better or even much more.

Another impact is cutting your application (IT) operational cost and minimize your business process interruption that can stimulate panic and stress for not only employee but also customer and another stakeholder. You do not need to maintain your application on every computer and the only server you will perform, reducing your employees need.


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